
Monday 3 November 2014

MoYou Nails Review - Part 2

*Stamping plates and stamping polish were provided in exchange for a 100% honest review.
Hiya lovelies!  So, I was hoping to have this post up at least a few days ago, as you may have guessed from the Halloween-y vibe of the stripes, but tonsillitis is a cruel mistress, and I just haven't had the energy for large amounts of typing.  Still, better late than never, and there's still a mani here that isn't at all seasonal, so I hope you'll all forgive me this little seasonal faux pas.......

So, lets start with the non Halloween mani shall we.  This image is the main reason I picked plate 128.  It's a beautiful fish scale pattern, so I decided to stamp it with Sally Hansen Insta-Dri - Emerald Express, over a base of Barry M Glitterati - Catwalk Queen.  I don't know about you guys, but for me, this is the perfect mermaids tail mani.  The iridescent sparkle of the Barry M, and the subtle contrast of the stamping colour against it gave me exactly the look I was hoping for.
The image picked up perfectly, and I had no issues getting it to transfer to the nail.  No missing patches, or nails that needed to be stamped a second time, this was smooth sailing from start to finish.

Onto the second mani, I started with a base of Collection Hot Looks - Hip Hop - a deep but vivid orange, which is the perfect shade of orange for Halloween.  Then I used the Royal Purple Special Nail Polish to stamp these thick stripes from the same plate as before.
Unfortunately, I found that the purple was not as opaque as I hoped it would be over the orange.  It was visible, but it didn't really resemble the bottle shade.  In the most harsh lighting situations, it almost appeared a darker shade of orange, but in most normal lighting it was purple. just not quite purple enough.  In the photo below, you can see it before I fixed the mani up.  (please bear in mind that my lighting setup is extremely bright, so this is how it looked at its absolute worst)
Obviously you can see that it's there, but it was a little disappointing if I'm honest.  Never one to give up on a mani though, or a polish for that matter, I decided to see how it fared for regular nail art.  I used my striper brush to paint over some of the stripes with Barry M - Key Lime, and Sinful Colors Black on Black.  Then I went back over the stripes I wanted to stay purple with the Special Nail Polish and the same striping brush.  I only had to go over them once with the brush to get them opaque, so I think it will still see a fair amount of use from me, for stamping over lighter colours, regular nail art, or for colouring in stamping decals.  I'm also interested to see whether it performs any better with a) a different plate, or b) when it's a little thicker.  Hopefully I'll be able to find out once I'm feeling a little better.

So, despite the less than perfect beginnings of this mani, I really liked how it turned out.  They really look like witches tights, and I found having the stamping to work on top of really helped me stop my stripes from being too uneven.

So, while I can't give the stamping polish a perfect review, I really did love the mani's I did with it, and the 2 plates I was sent were both of fantastic quality.

I also voiced my concerns to my contact at MoYou Nails a few days ago, and I'm very pleased to say that they have taken the constructive criticism brilliantly, and will be passing my feedback on to the people who could improve the polish.  I don't know how everyone else feels about it, but to me, that is the mark of a great brand, taking on feedback provided by users and using it to make your product better, rather than just trying to keep a lid on it.  
They were also really nice about it all, and while I know that doesn't make a difference to you guys as consumers, I still felt it was worth mentioning.  I'm sure the fellow bloggers reading this understand, it can be a bit scary running a review that isn't all positive, so working with a brand who truly appreciate your honesty is always a lovely experience.  

You can buy MoYou Nails plates and polishes via their website here.  And if you'd like to stay up to date with new releases/re-stocks/competitions etc. you can like their Facebook page here

That's all from me today, but I'm hoping to be back tomorrow with my monthly round up post, provided I don't run out of Nurofen before then of course. :D

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